The Role of Higher Education in Nursing

There are 4 critical role of higher education in nursing :

1. Fostering an outlook attitude and professional skills

Higher Education in Nursing was instrumental in fostering the attitude, outlook, and professional skills, graduates. Nurses are expected to be able to act, and have a professional outlook, nursing a broad-minded, and have sufficient scientific knowledge of nursing, and master the professional skills is good and right (Husin, 1966).

As a profesional nurse, obtained job satisfaction which in turn foster the achievement of performance capability through better working again. Critical thinking skills to make decisions and be able to account for the decisions and actions taken is one of the main factors to achieve job satisfaction (Jones and Beck, 1996). Nurse job satisfaction will result in satisfaction of the nursing service users, both societies and institutions of employment.

2. Improve the quality of care / nursing care and health

Nursing education to be able to produce professional nurses include intellectual skills, interpersonal, and technical, able to account legally, decisions and actions taken in accordance with the standards and code of ethics, and can be a role model for other nurses.

Nursing theories and models can be said to be useful, if it can be applied to services, as well as the management system of nursing is learned during training. Service facilities that can be used as an educational resource that is expected is conducive to the learning process of learners (Hamid, 1997).

3. Resolve nursing problems and develop science and technology of nursing through nursing

With the cooperation between the educational institutions and services, enabling the transformation of science and technology, including the identification of health problems, particularly on issues related to nursing for nursing research that aims to produce an answer to the question, resulting in a solution of the problem, either through product form technology or new methods or products and services based on the theory test conditions or new facts. (Leddy and Pepper, 1993; Mayer, Medden and Lawrence, 1990)

4. Improve the lives of professionalism through professional organizations

Higher education in nursing, will facilitate the development of nursing organizational life, for more professional. With profesional education, nurse as a member of a professional organization will better understand and appreciate the roles, responsibilities, and rights as a member of a professional organization that has a nature, views, and professional capability, it is possible nursing organizations act as quality control of nursing care services to the community through regulation of rights, responsibilities, and authority of each nurse based on their competence (Schmale, 1996).

In addition, professional organizations will be instrumental in the process of developing and fostering professional skills and implement a code of professional conduct for each of its members through the provision of setting up and continuing education system and to control the use and development of nursing science and technology (Husin, 1999).

Purpose of Education In Nursing

The purpose of education is often very general nature, such as a good human being, responsible, devoted to God, to serve the community, the nation and the state, and so on.

In the world of education, recognized a number of attempts to decipher the very general purpose. One of them was Herbert Spencer (1860) who analyzed the educational purpose in five sections, namely to:
  • Activities for survival.
  • Attempt to make a living.
  • Children's education.
  • Maintaining relationships with the community and the state.
  • Use of leisure time.

Educational goals set forth by Herbert Spencer, based on what is considered the most valuable and necessary for every person to life in society.

Bloom cs distinguish three categories of educational purpose, namely:

I. Cognitive (head)

Purpose of Cognitive regarding the ability of the individual to know about the world, which includes intellectual or mental development. Purpose of cognitive divided into 6 sections, namely;

a) Knowledge
Includes information and facts that can be mastered through memorization to remember.

b) Comprehension
Is the ability to express a definition, formula, interpreting a theory.

c) Application
An ability to apply or use a sense, concepts, principles, theories that require the acquisition of knowledge and deeper understanding.

d) Analysis
Namely the ability to decipher something in elements such as analysis of the relationship between people and nature, and the universe.

e) Synthesis
Namely the ability to see the relationship between the number of elements.

f) Evaluation
Judgment based on the evidence or specific criteria.

II. Affective (heart)

Purpose of Affective regarding the development of attitudes, feelings, and values ​​or emotional and moral development. Affective objectives is divided into 5 sections, namely;

a) Receiving
Receive, pay attention to a certain value.

b) Responding
Which showed a reaction to certain norms, shows willingness and readiness to respond, feel satisfied in response.

c) Valuing
Ie accept a norm, a norm of respect, and bind themselves to these norms.

d) Organization
Forming a concept of a value, develop a system of values.

e) Characterization by Value or Value Complex
Embodies personal values ​​in making a person's character, it becomes part of the norm personally.

III. Psychomotor (hand)

Purpose of Psychomotor development involves an element of motor skills.

The role of nurses not only caregivers but also as counselor, educator and consultant, so with the role of a nurse requires knowledge of education in order to provide appropriate education in a systematic manner, methods and media education are true and correct to the client, so that the results of education given to the client can be achieved on target and appropriate.

Nurses must master the field of education, for study of science education, a department of nursing students are expected to give and receive information that will be needed in the face of the patient (others) so as to lead to the achievement of professional competence.

19 Tips for Maintaining Skin Beauty

Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin protects vital organs in the body, and keep us from infection. And in terms of beauty, skin is a very important organ. Clean and smooth skin is a sign of a healthy body.

The skin consists of three layers. Namely epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The thickness of the skin varies throughout the body. For example, delicate skin around the eyes is only as thick as a few sheets of paper and a knee in the leg just as thick as a pencil eraser.

Thinking about the different characteristics of the skin in many areas, but the skin is an organ and not all skins 'fleshy'. As an organ, the skin wraps the human body, including the nails and hair. In total, approximately 16% of total body weight is skin.

Here are some tips for maintaining skin beauty:
  1. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to keep the skin moist.
  2. Eat foods that are nutritionally balanced, rich in vitamins A and C to maintain healthy skin.
  3. Drink a glass of water mixed with honey to keep the skin clean and smooth look.
  4. Milk helps moisturize and soften the skin.
  5. Try to keep the room temperature remains warm to prevent dry skin.
  6. Wash with warm water and soap is softer. Do not use hot water because it will make your skin dry or blistered.
  7. After a shower, do not dry the skin with a rough towel. Use a soft towel.
  8. Eat fruits and vegetables to prevent skin becomes scaly.
  9. Cucumber is a source of sodium that can help prevent the skin becomes wrinkled. Cucumbers also help keep the body fresh.
  10. Use cream after a bath, hand wash or during cold weather. This will help to keep skin soft.
  11. Use lotions containing hydroxyl acid or salicylic acid. These lotions not only to keep the skin moist, but also be polished.
  12. Rub your skin with walnut or apricot to get rid of dead cells and maintain the health of the outer skin.
  13. Use gloves during hot weather to protect hand skin section.
  14. Use the cream to the fingers look gorgeous.
  15. Wash your face with special soap, while going and just got up.
  16. Use an SPF moisturizer on your face and body when going out of the house, to prevent premature aging of the skin.
  17. Always clean make-up with cleansing lotion before retiring. That's because the make-up contains harmful chemicals that would cover the pores of the skin. And will cause infections and acne. Some of certain chemicals will also cause the skin to become darker.
  18. Use a mask once a week to keep facial skin clean and fresh.
  19. Use make-up with natural colors that will look bright when exposed to light or dark place.

11 Simple Tips on Caring Nails

Every woman wants to look beautiful. For a woman, beauty is not just to be seen, but also to increase confidence.

Women who look beautiful and confident will motivate other women to follow suit. No matter whether they are a teen or adult woman.

Nails are a part of our daily lives, and women are generally very concerned about nail care. Beautiful nails will complement your natural beauty.
  1. Treat your nails with olive oil on certain days.
  2. Use a mixture of water and lemon juice to remove stains from nails.
  3. Do not cut your nails because the skin can become infected.
  4. Do not cover your nails with paint for too long. Fingernails should be kept open once every two weeks.
  5. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins B and B5 to maintain healthy nails and skin.
  6. Milk and pineapple will strengthen your nails and make it rich in calcium.
  7. Vitamin A, C, folic acid, zinc and others, will make the nails become stronger.
  8. When using nail color, start from the bottom, so that the nails remain protected.
  9. Do not scratch, poke, poke or pinch with the nails. Nails are not tools for that.
  10. Avoid products that contain alcohol, because it can damage the nail.
  11. Use gloves when doing heavy employment or gardening, to avoid accidents that can damage the nail.

How To Eliminate Acne With Fruit

Face is one body part that most treated by women. Many problems that arise and cause her feel so important to maintain and care for, because the face is the main attraction for women. Acne scars and dark spots is one of the problems for women and is associated with self-confidence.

Indeed for teenagers, acne can indeed make the problem of reducing a sense of self-confidence, especially when the appearance of acne all over the face. Acne usually occurs on the first time when we are experiencing puberty or around the age of 12-19 years, whereas in adolescence, the production of the hormone androgen is active and trigger acne.

Acne is caused due to the emergence of chronic inflammation of the oil glands of the skin (pilosebaceous / sebaceous), which is caused by the lack of balance of the formation of oil with oil that comes out through the surface of the skin, causing the buildup and then hardens and eventually form a clot blockage in the face of triggering bacteria causes of acne (Propionibacterium acnes).

Many ways to remove acne scars or dark spots. With a face cream sold by pharmacies and doctors, but it would be nice if we use the natural way. Particularly with fruits.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are often found in the kitchen, but tomatoes also have many benefits. Fresh red fruit that is it can be used to remove acne and dark spots. How to use also pretty easy, cut into thin with wide rounded shape, then rub on the face slowly, so that the skin does not feel sore. This treatment can be done at night before bed every day and regularly.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber known as a delicious fruit to make a salad, fresh vegetables. Cucumber known as the fruit to remove acne scars and dark spots. Cucumbers can also be used as a facial freshener and moisturizer. How to use cucumber fairly easy. Enough with thinly sliced ​​and then rub on the face gently. To refresh the skin, and stick it on your face and wait for it to dry and do regularly 3 times a day.

3. Starfruit

Starfruit also known as star fruit vegetables, a fruit that is often used by mothers to cook for a refreshing sour aroma in cooking. Because it contains a lot of vitamin C, starfruit can be used to remove acne scars and dark spots on the face. easy way, prepare 4-5 starfruit fruit, washed and puree, then add a little salt approx tip of a teaspoon and gently rub into the face. Do this 3 times a day for maximum results.

4. Avocados

Avocados are often found to be juice. But in addition to Avocado juice drinks, syrup and can be served as a refreshing drink, it turns out the avocado is also beneficial to get rid of acne. Avocado is often found as an ingredient of beauty products, such as lotions, toners, masks, etc.. Amino acids that is rich in fiber also has anticoagulant and can protect the skin from damage and free radicals.

Natural Treatment for Sore Throat

Sore throat can affect anyone, especially in the rainy season. Itchy throat, hoarseness, and even pain when swallowing food is throat disorders most often occur. Sore throat is a mild type of disease that can be treated with natural remedies.

Sore throats can occur for many reasons, such as bacteria, viruses, oily foods, coughing, until the smoking habit. In certain cases, a sore throat can make a low voice, making it difficult to communicate with others.

Although classified as a mild disease, sore throat is not a disease that should be ignored. Sore throat treatment can be done by taking a drug that can be found in drug stores. However, there are ways that herbs can cure a sore throat.

Salt Water Gargle

Gargle 3-4 times a day with warm salt water, can help reduce inflammation in the throat, eliminating mucus, and reduces bacterial cause of sore throat. Way, take half a teaspoon of salt, mix in a cup of warm water, and use water to rinse.

Do not Smoke

Most people are busy looking for drugs that can overcome a sore throat quickly. Though they still do unhealthy habits that can lead to a sore throat.

Call it smoke. If you can reduce or even stop this habit, then you run the risk of sore throat in the future will be smaller.

Expand the Drinking Water

Keep your daily water intake to keep the body well hydrated. Keeping the body hydrated is an important part in the healing process of sore throat. Body well hydrated to keep mucus membranes moist, fight bacteria more efficiently, and help increase endurance.

Eating Chicken Soup

Besides good to help relieve colds, chicken soup is also effective to combat a sore throat. Chicken soup also contains sodium, an essential mineral that is anti-inflammatory and can help speed up the healing process. And its fluidity makes people who experience sore throat easier to consume.

Tea Warm

Not a secret if tea has health benefits are so great. The content of the antioxidants in tea may prevent infection and strengthen the immune system. You can also add honey into the tea beverage. Honey also has antibacterial properties are effective to accelerate the healing process.

Do not get used to taking any medication without your doctor's instructions. If you experience a sore throat that does not subside with the above ways, immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

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