Symptoms of Anemia That Can Facilitate You To Know

Anemia is a condition where the body is deficient in red blood cells or hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein). Hemoglobin is an important element that should be normal so that oxygen is successfully distributed to all tissues of the body through the lungs.

Someone said anemia when the concentration of hemoglobin (Hb) less than 13.5 g / dL or hematocrit (HCT) is less than 41% in men, and hemoglobin concentration of less than 11.5 g / dL or Hct is less than 36% in women.

Anemia makes the process of circulating red blood cells to be disrupted, so that the body is deprived of oxygen which is then processed into energy. From here already clear that the initial symptoms of anemia can be often feel tired, tongue and eyelids pale.

Anemia is also associated with less blood condition. Here is a series of symptoms of anemia that can facilitate you to know anemic from sources Activebeat.

1. Fatigue and lack of energy
Fatigue is a common symptom of anemia that all patients must have experienced it. Some types of anemia, such as iron deficiency or vitamin B-12, may cause long-term excessive fatigue due to low hemoglobin levels.

2. Headaches and shortness of breath
Anemia makes patients feel tired often excessive, although it is not currently doing any strenuous activity. Moreover, it is not uncommon patient complained of headaches and shortness of breath. Such as when getting up suddenly from sitting, the head feels dizzy and the room seemed to move round. The condition indicates severe anemia caused by multiple organ finds no sufficient blood and oxygen. If there is a long term concern of the body ischemia, ie, the death of some tissues or cells.

3. Damage to some organs, such as brain and heart
Some parts of the body requires oxygen carried by hemoglobin so that its performance remains stable. Therefore, anemia interfere with the delivery process, the cardiovascular system disorders. Lack of oxygen-carrying blood not only result in extreme fatigue, but rather lead to damage some organs, such as brain and heart.

4. Leg cramps
Other common symptoms of anemia are leg cramps. In the mild anemia, leg cramps only occur once or moderate physical activity, such as walking, running, and long standing. Whereas in patients with severe anemia, leg cramps can occur even during rest. Will clearly called anemia when accompanied by muscle weakness, pale skin, and shortness of breath.

5. Skin pale
Skin look pale, an indication of anemia. This is a direct effect of the decrease in the amount of hemoglobin against the skin. Too pale fingertips, you can find out by pressing the tip of a finger and see the change to white or pale. While the body is yellowish skin.

6. Difficulty concentrating
Hemoglobin inability to circulate oxygen also affects the brain's ability to concentrate. This is compounded by unmet needs essential nutrients for the brain such as vitamins and minerals (folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12).

7. Irregular heartbeat
In the medical world this condition is called palpitations, the heart rate is not stable. Palpitations can occur when the heart is deprived of oxygen.

8. Insomnia
Sleep disorders, such as anxiety are also considered as a symptom of anemia after research conducted in 2008 in Ireland involving children and adolescents. Iron deficiency in some people cause insomnia, legs often move because feel uneasy or restless leg syndrome called.

Immediately consult a doctor when the body starts showing some symptoms of anemia above, especially for pale skin that must be addressed by a doctor.

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